February 23-24, 2008

Alan, Tim and I made our first trip to Galveston this year, to see if the Black Drum run is on yet. The water temp (63) and timing must not be right yet, but we did manage to catch three. The seas were a little rough on Saturday and Sunday started out with great weather, but then the fog rolled in and visibility was only about 30 yards until around noon.

It was slow compared to prior trips, but we still had a good time. After catching one 30 pounder on Saturday, we decided to drift fish with light tackle near the South Jetty shoreline where we caught a few small whiting. During the drift, Alan hooked something huge on his small Penn spinning reel and we had to chase it down before it ripped all the line off his reel. We caught up to it with the boat and then it took off again. I started the boat a second time with Alan on the bow and we caught up to it again. This time it finally straightened a treble hook.

30 lbs

25 lbs

31 lbs