June 22-25, 2010

We had a great time on our annual family vacation in Galveston. The weather was perfect - hot with mostly calm seas. We spent several days on the beach and also made 3 boat fishing trips to the bay and north jetty. We rented a nice canal home in Sea Isle, and I had great fun catching and releasing trout at night. I threw the cast net in the canal and tried piggies and live shrimp, but only managed small trout with live bait. The larger trout came with plastics and a small top water silver Rapala. It was really cool to cast just outside the two halogen spots with a few twitches on the Rapala, hear the blow up and then feel the tug of a nice trout. The largest trout was right at 24".

Our trips to the North Jetty consisted of numerous Spanish mackerel, a few small sharks, several large whiting and one lone flounder. My mom and daughter were having a ball on our second trip to the jetties with the Smacks. They were using live shrimp under a popping cork and it was usually only a few seconds after the bait would hit the water when the cork would go screaming underwater. It was constant for about two hours and we could have filled a cooler with Smacks, but all were released.

I have only been saltwater fishing for a little over four years, but I learned quickly to keep a good distance from other boats when they are "on" the fish and I especially keep a good distance when I see a fishing guide with clients. I did not receive that same treatment from a local Galveston guide that was trying to "Get Hooked" by anchoring far to close to my boat when my mom and daughter were catching nice Spanish mackerel on almost every cast. The guide did half-way apologize and said something about not being able to control the wind. After running over the exact spot where most of our action was coming from, our action died for about 30 minutes and then we started catching again but not at the same pace. Oh well, nothing to get too excited about but it did help me if I ever decide to hire a guide in Galveston.